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Sport Bittl PRO
Sport Bittl PRO - Your loyalty program

Your loyalty will be rewarded

With our Sport Bittl PRO advantage card you can secure up to 15% discount on every purchase in our online store and in our stores. You also get exclusive vouchers and take part in exclusive promotions that only apply to our Sport Bittl PRO customers.

Already with your first purchase you can save immediately - simply register in the store or in the online store and secure the special price!

Your advantages in our loyalty program

  • Secure exclusive discounts on the latest collections and products
  • Benefits such as exclusive vouchers several times a year or a surprise for your birthday, information about VIP promotions and pre-sales
  • Benefit from all advantages in the Sport Bittl stores and in the online store

Register now

The following discount scales apply:

  • 5% instant discount
  • 10% instant discount from a purchase value of 500€
  • 15% instant discount from a purchase value of 1.000€

Excluded from the discount are reduced goods as well as our set offers, items up to 10€, electronics, books, services as well as the purchase of vouchers. Bicycles, SUP's, boats and surf articles are discounted with a maximum of 10%.
