2 x Sport Bittl in Munich

Current info in retail from Monday, 03.04.2022

Our Sport Bittl branches in Munich-Allach and Fürstenfeldbruck are open for you.

On Monday 03.04.2022 the mask obligation in the retail trade will be cancelled!
This means that from then on you can shop in our stores without a mask. 
For a safe shopping experience, we continue to recommend that our customers and employees voluntarily wear an FFP2 or medical mask.
For the protection of our customers and employees, we will also continue to maintain our hygiene concept in the stores (plexiglass screens; distance markings; queues). 
We look forward to your visit in our shops!

Headquarters Munich / Allach

Headquarters Munich / Allach

Georg-Reismüller-Str. 5 
80999 Munich 

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm

Metro-train station: Allach Bahnhof

how to get there

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FFB / Buchenau

FFB / Buchenau

Kurt-Huber-Ring 5
82256 Fürstenfeldbruck 

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm

Metro-train station: FFB-Buchenau

how to get there

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