Spyder - get in shape for winter

Spyder - Train like the athletes
Get in shape for winter!

The Legs
Leg Day:
3 sets of each, if you are feeling strong, try 5 sets.
Jumping lunges: 20x (Each leg should do 10x)
Burpees: 10x
Air Squats: 20x
Mountain Climbers: 20x (Each leg should do 10x)
Box Jumps: 10x
One Leg Box Step up: 20x (Each leg should do 10x)
1 min. jump roping

Aerobic Exercise
Intervals: 30 seconds of high-intensity intervals with 20 seconds rest in between each interval.
Get your heart rate high and let it drop again.
Hill Sprints: 10x hill sprints with 30 seconds rest in between each sprint
Short and Longer effort sprints: 20 second sprint with 20 seconds of rest followed by a 40 second sprint (Repeat 5x)

The Core
Core: 3 sets of each.
Plank: 30 sec.
Bicycles: 30 x (15x each way)
Toe Touches: 30x
Supermans: 30x
Russian Twists: 30x (15x each way)
Side Plank Leg Raise: 30x (15x each way)
Stretching and listening to your body